Salesforce Dynamic Pages: Enabling a More User-Centric Design Approach

Designers, consultants, and developers constantly face challenges related to user adoption and enablement. To alleviate and potentially eliminate these challenges, it is crucial to implement a user-centered design approach throughout the entire solutioning process.

When a user accesses a website or opens an app to complete a task, they are more likely to choose the first solution presented to them on the screen. Any additional digging or searching often leads to lower satisfaction and a decreased likelihood of return.

Now, consider this in the context of your CRM. When utilized effectively, Salesforce serves as the key to a successful sales organization. Since user adoption is essential, your organization’s Salesforce Product and Development team must adopt a user-centered approach to create a simple and intuitive experience for its users.

This doesn’t have to be a burden on your roadmap. Surprisingly, it can be one of the simplest projects to complete, thanks to the dynamic capabilities of Lightning App Builder.

Getting started with Salesforce Dynamic Forms

Say goodbye to the days of tedious traditional page layouts. Declutter your inventory of record pages and reduce your Admin’s overhead with Dynamic Forms.

Whether you’re migrating an existing record page to Dynamic Forms or crafting a new page from scratch, harness the power of Field and Field Section components to gain complete control over what your users see and where. Each field on your page can be individually placed and customized to suit your specific needs.

Fields marked as Required or Read-Only in Object Manager or your previous page layout will retain their state when transitioned to Dynamic Forms. Universally required fields are thoughtfully grouped in the Universally Required Fields section of the Fields palette, unless you’ve made them required at the page layout level.

However, it’s essential to note that universally required fields are not automatically added to Field components. So ensure that you manually include them to prevent users from facing frustrations when they’re unable to save a record after creation or update and are left wondering why.

With Dynamic Forms, you have the flexibility to create intuitive and user-friendly record pages, optimize your data entry process, and ultimately enhance the overall productivity of your team.

The Lightning App Builder property panel provides a slew of tools for admins to stay organized and better enhance the record page UX. Use the API Name property to display the unique API name for a specific field or drill down into relationship details of your cross-object fields with the Object property.

Control visibility on Field or Field Section components based on profile, permission, device, record criteria, and even another Record Field with visibility rules. Be cautious when hiding required fields with visibility filters, as users will be unable to save a record if values are missing from a universally required field, even if hidden by a rule.

The drag-and-drop functionality of Lightning App Builder extends to arranging, adding, or removing fields from Dynamic Forms components, which allows you to promptly make updates based on any end-user feedback. The property panel contains the features mentioned above plus more to further optimize a single record page for users across multiple groups.

Dynamic Forms is supported for most but not all standard LWC-enabled objects. To quickly determine if it’s supported for a given object: if you are editing its record page and the Fields tab isn’t in the component panel, it is not supported for that object.

What to know about Dynamic Actions

Are your users frustrated with the placement or amount of actions on their record pages? Create a more responsive and contextually relevant interface by enabling Dynamic Actions to conditionally display or hide actions on your Lightning Record Pages.

Upgrade to Dynamic Actions from either a pre-existing highlights panel or by creating a new one. Use the property panel to select a Standard, Quick, or Global action and set visibility rules based on a variety of filter types, such as Record Field, roles, profiles, and more.

Dynamic Actions is also supported for mobile, which is ideal for any organization where users are on the go. Once enabled, set additional visibility filters based on Form Factor, which allows you to select different actions to display based on whether or not a user is accessing the page from desktop or mobile. Or, for a record page with multiple highlights panels with multiple Dynamic Actions, consolidate them all into a single mobile action bar for a simplified design.

Available for any standard or custom object, Dynamic Actions can enhance your users’ workflows by providing an intuitive experience.

See relevant records with Dynamic Related Lists

Similarly to Dynamic Forms and Dynamic Actions, you can create Dynamic Related Lists to help your users see the most relevant records. Create a Dynamic Related List by adding a new Dynamic Related List – Single component to your record page or select an existing Related List – Single component to upgrade.

When upgrading a list, your assigned page layout will populate the fields and actions, which can be viewed and managed from the properties panel. If the related list you’ve configured has not been defined on the object’s page layout, add the required actions manually and adjust the default fields selected via the properties panel.

The properties panel will also prompt you with several options to customize the list, including adding a name, selecting a list type and number of records to display, organizing field layout and order, adding record filters, and controlling action visibility. And don’t forget your visibility rules, too!

Dynamic Interactions — the icing on the cake!

Dynamic Interactions are the finishing touch that elevates your Dynamic Page experience to the next level. Dynamic Interactions allows the components on your app pages to communicate and respond to each other through a series of events and interactions.

A user interaction (event) that occurs in one component (source) can trigger a transformation in one or more components (the targets) on the page. This low-code solution can easily leverage any new or pre-existing custom components.

Admins and Developers can come together to define supported events and interactions pointing to the correct targets. A developer will first provide the custom components and expose the correct events in the Lightning App Builder. Then, in the properties panel for the source component, the Admin can configure each event by adding interactions. From the Interactions Details pane, define the values each target property should have when the interaction occurs.

As this is a newer feature of Lightning App Builder, there are some limitations — such as currently being supported exclusively on app pages and the only interaction available to add to an event being Update Properties. However, the use cases within these limits allow for more sophisticated apps and a seamless experience designed around the end user.

From Dynamic Forms, Actions, and Related Lists on record pages to Dynamic Interactions on app pages, it is easier than ever to solve for the needs of your users. By further building upon the convenient Lightning App Builder drag-and-drop interface, these innovative features allow Admins to practice user-centered design in the areas that matter most. Allow your sales organization to thrive, thanks to efficiently designed Lightning pages that give your users access to exactly what they need exactly when they need it.

Need help getting started? Contact our Salesforce experts.