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Our Commitment to the Team

The average person spends approximately 35% of their waking hours at work. Based on this statistic alone, it seems reasonable that you should legitimately love what you do — and where you do it. Life is just too short to do otherwise. And that is precisely why I’m embarking on this journey with Atrium. Certainly […]

Unlocking the Power of Data

When Chris approached me with the idea of Atrium, I was interested from day one.  Hearing that Colin and Geoff were also onboard cemented the deal.  To me, the team is the most important consideration for starting a company. Whether it’s managing a complex client implementation, directing a company through a rapid growth phase, or […]

Why Atrium? Why Now?

Atrium promises to be the professional expedition of a lifetime.   As with any meaningful expedition, the success foundations are years in the making;  a shared sense of purpose will define our ultimate success, and the experience itself will be magnified by the personalities of those along with us for the ride.  As we get going […]