Want to Build a Data-Driven Business? Start with Snowflake and BI Modernization

Want to Build a Data-Driven Business? Start with Snowflake and BI Modernization

You might already know something about Snowflake’s Data Cloud as a modern approach to handling data. Meaning that it offers scalability, simplified management, robust data security, and reliable data governance to IT professionals. It also has features like data sharing and zero-copy cloning, which saves money on storage. And as a leader, you have to be thinking proactively about how your team can improve the speed and efficiency of daily, monthly, and annual reports — for instance. But if you don’t immediately understand the benefits of Snowflake’s technology, let alone the unique approach to BI modernization (aka business intelligence modernization), keep reading.

A better way to generate reports with the Snowflake Data Cloud

Traditional methods of generating reports can be time-consuming and inefficient. But BI modernization can seem daunting for many and it’s a gap that needs to be bridged — the right way. That’s no surprise to leaders who’ve been around for years and have recently seen the rise of more progressive and automated means of doing this work, like Snowflake’s Data Cloud. How can you take advantage of this wave of innovation?

The competitive edge: a data-driven approach

In the current landscape, businesses using data to help make decisions consistently outperform their competition. To use data for business decisions, data has to be added quickly, be flexible to change, and be able to expand as the business expands. Creating a cloud data platform to make modern decisions requires many technical disciplines to be a success.

Thinking through cloud data storage vs. on-premise data warehouse and the capabilities

Data science is fundamentally important to modern enterprises because it allows them to make data-driven decisions. By analyzing large amounts of data, companies can identify patterns and insights that can inform their strategy and operations — all adding up to the powerful combination of increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved decision-making. Additionally, data science can also be used to identify new market opportunities and develop more effective marketing and sales tactics.

To be successful with BI modernization in this capacity, the fact is that you need to have a cloud-based architecture. Why cloud rather than an on-premise data warehouse?

I have to then ask: How long does it take you to bring new data into your environment? How easy is it to make changes to provide new insights? How large of a team is needed to maintain your on-premise systems? Can it handle the growth of the business? Does it provide the insights you need to make decisions on time? The answers are usually telling.

High-level ins and outs of a cloud-based data platform like Snowflake

A cloud-based data platform can consist of many components. Consider:

  • A data lake where large amounts of file-based data are stored.
  • A data warehouse or sets of data marts to provide reporting capabilities for many business units.
  • A data science environment to create predictive models to feed back into the data warehouse.

Snowflake provides a modern cloud platform to leverage these critical components of this architecture. Going with a cloud-based data platform is important when you’re considering making decisions based on all available data. Aspiring to be data driven? Taking steps toward a cloud-based data platform should be your first goal.

More Snowflake-focused BI modernization insights coming… In the meantime, learn more about our team of certified SnowPros and Snowflake consulting services.