Atrium’s 2022 in Review: The Highlights and Industry News That Made Our Year

Our team and our business is another year older and wiser. At Atrium, 2022 has been a fast-paced yet reflective year defined by in-person ecosystem events and volunteerism, major industry announcements, significant growth for ourselves and our customers, exciting updates from partners, and so much more. When a year comes to a close, so often […]

Atrium’s Cultivate Program and MoveMeMonday, a Match Made in Heaven

At Atrium, as stated on our website, our three core values are diversity of thought, authenticity, and taking the initiative. However, after being with the company for almost half a year, I’d argue that there should be a fourth value added to that list: selflessness. Whether it’s answering questions and solving roadblocks in our “HALP” […]

Get to Know Cultivate, Our New Program Focused on Social Good

The world is changing, and nonprofits in particular need support to continue to do important work for local and global communities and evolve. As a team, we’re proud to rise to the occasion with Cultivate, our brand-new corporate social good program. Following our announcement about the launch Cultivate and joining the Pledge 1% movement, we […]

Atrium Announces Cultivate Program and Joins the Pledge 1% Movement

A philanthropic program dedicated to supporting nonprofit organizations (INDIANAPOLIS – September 21, 2020) – Atrium, a next-generation consulting company that leads enterprises through business transformation with AI and analytics, today announced their Cultivate program, the purpose of which is to donate time and expertise to nonprofit customers and charitable organizations. Since the company was founded […]